Top Stories published by People’s Economy in 2017

Making economics ‘simple’ isn’t necessarily the answer

Last week, us here at Economy, together with Royal Society of Arts’ (the RSA’s) Citizens’ Economic Council, launched a 68-page super-full-colour PDF “toolkit”, designed to get people talking about the economy (complete with a giant map…

How do you get journalists to communicate economics better? Recruit the students.

The past few months I have been managing the Economy Student Bursary Mentorship Programme, which is more interesting than it sounds, trust me. This year we recruited seven non-economics…

The Toolkit: Let’s Do It

The past few weeks at Economy have been mad busy, with the student bursary programme ticking over nicely, the publication of ‘Economy Explores: Religion’, and the induction of our new Economy trustees — welcome! I thought it would be a good idea to explore new options that will help…

People’s Economy
We are a charity who works with communities across the UK experiencing economic injustice to reimagine, rebalance, and transform the economy. Formerly called ‘Economy’.
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